Personal Injury

When you or a loved one are injured or in an accident, life becomes difficult and complicated. Receiving treatment and working toward recovery places strain on many aspects of life – finances, relationships, emotions, physical capabilities and more. Reach out to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney to lighten or relieve some of these burdens.
An accident attorney specializing in personal injury legal help can guide you through the process to recover compensation for damages if you are injured or harmed by the carelessness or negligence of another person or organization. Damages may be for physical or mental injuries and can include past, present, and future suffering, as well as lost wages, medical expenses, and lost earning potential.
Personal Injury
Personal injury is a legal term defining an injury to the body, mind or emotions. Some of the most common personal injuries requiring personal injury legal help through a personal injury attorney include: auto accident – like car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents - slip and fall accidents, and medical malpractice.
Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents
Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents make up more than 125,000 reportable traffic crashes in Pennsylvania, according to the annual Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics report. If you or a loved one are in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, contacting an experienced car, truck or motorcycle accident attorney is very important to achieve the best outcome for your case.
The insight and perspective of Lepley, Engelman, Yaw and Wilk, LLC’s personal injury attorneys have won substantial settlements for their auto accident, truck accident, and motorcycle accident clients – like a $5.44 million settlement for a young man rear-ended in a water tank truck accident.
Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice occurs when a physician injures a patient with a treatment or lack of treatment. Medical malpractice is defined as, “any act or omission by a physician during treatment of a patient that deviates from accepted norms of practice in the medical community and causes an injury to the patient.”
Medical professionals receive special access into patients’ lives. Patients trust physicians, disclosing sensitive information with the belief that their best interest will be pursued. When physicians betray their patients intentionally or accidentally, the advice of a credible, trustworthy medical malpractice attorney is invaluable.
More than 20,000 medical malpractice payment reports were made in the US from 2019-2020, according to The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). More than 2,100 of these reports were made in Pennsylvania.
Medical malpractice attorneys in Pennsylvania earned their clients the second highest payouts in the nation, with $369,034,250 awarded in 2019 - an increase of 8 percent since 2017.
The highest awards based on medical malpractice allegation focused on diagnosis (34 percent), followed by surgery (22 percent), treatment (21 percent), and obstetrics (10 percent). Payment amounts were generally higher depending on the severity of the outcome.
If you believe you could be the victim of medical malpractice, contact the medical malpractice attorneys at Lepley, Engelman, Yaw and Wilk, LLC. The pain and suffering caused by your medical malpractice injury and resulting affects should be recompensed.
The statistics above prove that Pennsylvania’s legal system highly values the well-being of Commonwealth residents. Ensure your medical malpractice case is well-represented by a knowledgeable and experienced medical malpractice attorney to achieve the best results for your case.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents account for more than 8 million hospital emergency room visits and nearly half of traumatic brain injury-related hospitalizations. Slip and fall accidents also are the primary cause of lost days from work.
Slip and fall accidents are often caused by dangerous conditions like torn carpeting, uneven flooring, poor lighting or wet floors. Injuries from slip and fall accidents can range from bruises and scrapes to fractures and sprains to head and brain injuries.
An experienced slip and fall attorney can assist you as you move forward legally and determine liability – or whose fault it was - for you or your loved one’s injury due to a slip or trip and fall accident. Slip and fall accidents are complicated and difficult to prove.
Falls are serious and costly, so if you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident, contact slip and fall lawyers Douglas Engelman, David Wilk, and Gary Black at Lepley, Engelman, Yaw and Wilk, LLC. Our experienced slip and fall attorneys and legal team have helped hundreds of clients file successful lawsuits due to slip and fall injuries or deaths.
Your Personal Injury Lawyers
Regardless of how you or your loved one was injured, the personal injury lawyers at Lepley, Engelman, Yaw and Wilk, LLC will provide expert personal injury legal help: guiding you through the complexities of personal injury law, advocating for you with the insurance companies, or representing you in court to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Our personal injury attorneys, Doug Engelman, Gary Black, and Dave Wilk have decades of experience in personal injury law, winning substantial settlements for their clients. Dave Wilk formerly worked as an attorney for insurance companies, defending lawsuits brought against their insured.
Lepley, Engelman, Yaw and Wilk, LLC handles injury claims ranging from minor accidents to those causing death. You can trust our personal injury legal help and accident attorneys to work hard and fight harder for your case. We promise that if we don't win, you don't pay.
Call for a FREE Personal Injury consultation.
If we don't win, you don't pay!
- Automobile & Motorcycle Accidents
- Truck Accidents
- Slip & Fall
- Death Cases
- Medical Malpractice
- Worker's Compensation
Contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can help you!
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CALL (800) 422-5396 TODAY!
140 East Third Street, Williamsport (570) 323-3768
320 Market Street, Lewisburg (570) 522-0505
- For answers to some frequently-asked legal questions about
Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation, click here. - If you have been harmed by prescribed Fentanyl and/or Methadone, click here.
- If you have had hip replacement surgery after 2003, click here.
- Doug Engelman recovers $5.44 million truck accident settlement. Click here for complete details.
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