Car Accident Lawyers

For more details, visit their
personal pages.

Personal Injury Lawyer Douglas N. Engelman

Douglas N. Engelman
Personal Injury Lawyer

Williamsport Personal Injury Lawyer David Wilk

David Wilk
Personal Injury Lawyer

Williamsport Personal Injury lawyer Gary L. Black

Gary L. Black
Personal Injury Lawyer

Lawyer Thomas Waffenschmidt

Thomas Waffenschmidt
Of Counsel
Personal Injury Lawyer

Pennsylvania Auto Accident Attorney

Every year, there are over 120,000 reportable traffic crashes in Pennsylvania, claiming the lives of over 1,100 people and injuring more than 82,000.

  • Each day 335 reportable traffic crashes occurred (about 15 crashes every hour).
  • Each day 3 persons were killed in reportable traffic crashes (one death every 7 hours).
  • Each day 227 persons were injured in reportable crashes (about 9 injuries every hour)*

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car, motorcycle or truck accident, contact us today. You may be able to receive financial compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, property loss, and pain and suffering due to another party's negligence or responsibility.

At Lepley, Engelman, Yaw, and Wilk, we have helped hundreds file successful lawsuits for accidental injury or death. If an out-of-state driver is involved, we will file in state and federal court. Our lawsuits have included collisions resulting from:

  • speeding or reckless driving
  • drunk drivers
  • distracted driving such as texting or using cell phones or mobile devices
  • running red lights or stop signs or other moving violations

Experience Counts

Our Personal Injury attorneys, Doug Engelman, Gary Black, and Dave Wilk have decades of experience in personal injury law, winning substantial settlements for their clients. Dave Wilk formerly worked as an attorney for insurance companies, defending lawsuits brought against their insured. So, before you speak with the insurance companies, contact us first. The consultation is free, but the results can be invaluable.

* based on PennDot traffic statistics 2016

Find our law office closest to you.


140 East Third Street, Williamsport (570) 323-3768
320 Market Street, Lewisburg (570) 522-0505
(800) 422-5396
Contact us today!