Truck Accident Lawyers
For more details, visit their
personal pages.

Douglas N. Engelman
Personal Injury Lawyer

David Wilk
Personal Injury Lawyer

Gary L. Black
Personal Injury Lawyer

Thomas Waffenschmidt
Of Counsel
Personal Injury Lawyer
Pennsylvania Truck Accident Attorney
We have all driven next to, or been surrounded by, tractor trailers on the highway. And we know how serious the outcome could be with just the slightest miscalculation of distance or speed. In 2016, there were over 6,700 truck accidents in Pennsylvania resulting in over 130 deaths.
What you may not realize, is that 68% of all fatal truck accidents occur in rural regions and 66% occur during the day. This is of particular importance as the increase in natural gas production in our rural Northern Tier results in heavier and heavier truck traffic. According to an analysis of traffic deaths* and the U.S. Census data, in some areas of the drilling states, fatalities have more than quadrupled since 2004.
There are a variety of causes that may be fault of the trucking company or big rig driver: vehicle malfunction, negligence of the driver due to being on a tight deadline, being overly tired, or even DUI. Regardless of the cause, if you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, contact us today. You may be able to receive financial compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, property loss, and pain and suffering due to another party's negligence or responsibility.
At Lepley, Engelman, Yaw, and Wilk, we have helped hundreds file successful lawsuits for accidental injury or death. If an out-of-state driver is involved, we will file in state and federal court.
Experience Counts
Our personal injury attorneys, Doug Engelman, Gary Black, and Dave Wilk have decades of experience in personal injury law, winning substantial settlements for their clients. Dave Wilk formerly worked as an attorney for insurance companies, defending lawsuits brought against their insured. So, before you speak with the insurance companies, contact us first. The consultation is free, but the results can be invaluable.
*PennDot Crash Facts and Statistics
Click to learn about a young man who was rear-ended by a truck in Tioga County
* Associated Press analysis of traffic deaths