Criminal Defence Attorney George E. Lepley, Jr.

George Lepley
Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney Hank J. Clarke

Hank J. Clarke
Criminal Defense Attorney

For more than 30 years, we have been serving the legal needs of Central Pennsylvania including the Williamsport, Lewisburg, Canton, Towanda, Wellsboro, Sunbury, Shamokin, Danville, Bloomsburg, and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre areas.

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legal questions.


In Pennsylvania, there are two categories of assault: simple assault and aggravated assault.

Simple assault is when a person attempts to cause or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; attempts by physical menace to put another in fear or imminent serious bodily injury.

Simple assault is generally graded as a second-degree misdemeanor, which could result in 30 days in jail. In the event the assault is committed in a fight entered by mutual consent, the grading becomes a third-degree misdemeanor.

Aggravated assault is a much more serious offense. Aggravated assault is defined as an attempt to cause serious bodily injury to another or causes such injury intentionally, knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. Further, you can be accused of aggravated assault for attempting to cause or knowing causing serious injury if the victim is a police officer, fire fighter or other law enforcement agent. School teachers while working are also protected under this statute.

Aggravated assault is a felony of either the first, second or third degree depending on the alleged victim. Second-degree felony aggravated assault can carry with it a sentence of eighteen months incarceration, while a first-degree felony assault can result in three to six years depending upon whom the crime is committed against.

Your attorney can defend you by proving a lack of intent to harm or lack of knowledge that your actions would cause harm. He or she could also argue that you were acting in self defense, defense of property, going to the aid of another party or that you were provoked into the action of assault.

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the charges of assault, you should be represented by a skilled criminal defense attorney. At Lepley, Engelman, Yaw & Wilk, we have years of experience successfully negotiating plea agreements and defending our clients.

If you are arrested for assault, contact us immediately.


140 East Third Street, Williamsport (570) 323-3768
320 Market Street, Lewisburg (570) 522-0505
(800) 422-5396
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